Become an NRWPG member
We would like you to become a member of the Newport Railway Workshops Preservation Group NRWPG. By doing so you will demonstrate your support to save this heritage-listed facility to be used for rail heritage purposes and be progressively opened for public access.
Registration is only $10 per year. However, there are costs involved in having this website, for administration, and for several projects, we have to support our goals. So if you would like to contribute to our expenses by registering or adding an additional gift you can do that by direct bank transfer marked membership, or membership plus gift:
Account name: Newport Railway Workshops Preservation Group Inc.
BSB: 633-000
Account No: 179949482
Bank: Bendigo Bank
To register (you must be 18 years) we need your
Please be assured this information will not be shared with any other group or entity. You will be issued a membership number and will receive email updates from time to time when there is news relating to our goals.
Thank you for your support.