FFF 65. Friday Facts & Fotos. Friday 20th October 2023
Ambulance needed! we are on our way.
These couple of photos from the PROV collection show the workshops ambulance. Unfortunately, most of the PROV collection has no date information. So our guess would be around 1920.
This rather spartan vehicle provided little comforts for the injured, but at least it would have been quicker to respond than the horse and cart.
It was usually parked next to the old causality building awaiting the next emergency to respond to.
The new 1942 cream brick causality building had a car port provided for the ambulance. The Doring report of 1988 states that an ambulance (no doubt far more modern that the accompanying photos) was kept in this carport. You can see the carport sticking out on the right-hand side of their 1988 photo of the building. The colour photo shows the carport situated on the northeast corner of the new c1942 cream brick casualty office. (Just visible on the left-hand side of the colour photo)

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