Friday Facts and Fotos – 9 22 Sept 2022

This week we take a look at where the Tarp Shop is located in Newport and what it looks like now.

Fortunately, the Tarp Shop is still standing, is heritage listed and forms part of the heritage-listed Newport Railway workshops site. Although – it is now surrounded by modern-day train stabling, destroying the heritage character of this unique 135-year-old building.

The first photo shows what it looked like in 2005, with nearly all the original tracks and facilities still in place. The second photo (from Alex Train Channel) shows that it is now surrounded by stabling yards, with only a narrow entrance. As you can see by the other photos, the buildings themselves are relatively intact and could be restored and used for heritage rail activities or community use.

To make sure that this does not happen to other heritage buildings at Newport, the Government needs to declare Newport a heritage rail precinct to be used for heritage rail activities.

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